
Steven Lincoln

Mr. Lincoln is one of the leading valuation experts in the diamond industry who has more than 30 years experience in Manufacturing, Valuation, Sales, Production, Operational and Marketing management roles globally. He was previously fully accountable for all final valuations and assortments for De beers sight boxes, and mine sample valuations in Russia, Angola, Namibia, South Africa and Botswana as well holding the position of Managing Director of a substantial diamond polishing facility. Mr. Lincoln joined Lucara in 2014 bringing with him a highly successful background in the achievement of profitable business growth through the creation and execution of successful sales strategies.

Naseem Lahri

Ms. Lahri is an accomplished Professional Accountant with a Masters in Strategic Management (BCOM, FCCA), with more than 17 years’ experience in the mining industry, including 10 years within Corporate Finance at Debswana at the senior management level. She has also served as a board member in the Debswana Pension Fund, Botswana Accountancy College, and Pula Medical Aid. She currently serves as a director on the board of First National Bank declared the leading bank in Botswana. Ms. Lahri has served as Boteti’s CFO and Director since March 2013, responsible for Finance, Administration, and Security. In May 2018 she was promoted to Managing Director, being the first woman and the first Motswana woman to serve in this capacity for a diamond mining company in Botswana.